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Anterior Matrix System G8

Artica™ anterior matrix system simultaneously restore proximal and cervical margins

Artica™ G8 anterior matrix system is an outstanding matrix system which is ideal for anterior dental restorations such as class III, IV, V and shape adjustments. The contoured shape of the Artica™ anterior matrices ensures accurate adaptation to the unique shape of all anterior teeth.
Product features

- Ultra-thin (0.035mm) stainless steel for tight
contact surfaces - Placement wings for ease of positioning
- Contoured for anatomically correct restorations
- Ultra-thin (0.035mm) stainless steel for tight
contact surfaces - Better cervical adaptation on mandibular incisors and laterals
- Placement wings for ease of positioning
- Anatomically contoured for correct restoration
with natural anatomies


- Maxillary central incisors
- Maxillary lateral incisors
- Canine teeth
- Maxillary and mandibular laterals
- Mandibular central incisors
- Conoid teeth
- Triangular teeth
- Peg laterals
- Teeth with narrow cervical diameter


Using Flowdam
Use Flowdam to secure or retain Artica™ G8 matrices in case a wedge risks displacing or deforming the matrix.

Order Information
Anterior Matrix System Intro Kit / Matrices Refill, Mini / Standard
Matrix system
Product Purchase Code
M1048 Anterior Matrix System Intro Kit
M1049 Anterior Matrices Refill, Mini (12)
M1050 Anterior Matrices Refill, Standard (12)
Anterior Matrix System
Anterior Dental Restorations
Artica™ G8 anterior matrix system is an outstanding matrix system which is ideal for anterior dental restorations such as class III, IV, V and shape adjustments. The contoured shape of the Artica™ anterior matrices ensures accurate adaptation to the unique shape of all anterior teeth.
Simultaneously Restore Proximal and Cervical Margins
Artica™ G8 anterior matrix system simultaneously restore proximal and cervical margins even in the presence of a rubber dam or gingival retraction cords, effectively reducing restoration time. Furthermore, once the Artica™ matrices are placed, they provide a preview of the final restoration shape, allowing visualization prior to beginning the procedure. It provides excellent predictability.
- Ultra-thin (0.035mm) stainless steel for tight
contact surfaces - Placement wings for ease of positioning
- Contoured for anatomically correct restorations
- Maxillary central incisors
- Maxillary lateral incisors
- Canine teeth
- Ultra-thin (0.035mm) stainless steel for tight
contact surfaces - Better cervical adaptation on mandibular incisors
and laterals - Placement wings for ease of positioning
- Anatomically contoured for correct restoration
with natural anatomies
- Maxillary and mandibular laterals
- Mandibular central incisors
- Conoid teeth
- Triangular teeth
- Peg laterals
- Teeth with narrow cervical diameter
More instructions and information shown below.
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